Thursday, March 18, 2010

No Chemical Engineer??

This is what the suitable career choices for me based on a quiz at:

You would most enjoy a career that allows you to meet new people. You would also be happiest in a career that allows you to be free and flexible, and allows you to be extremely creative. Some careers that would be perfect for you are:

  • Stockbroker
  • Secretary
  • Receptionist
  • Director
  • Recruitment Consultant
  • Politician
  • Marketing
  • Human Resources Manager
  • Religious Minister
  • Teacher
  • Lawyer
  • Advertising
  • Consultant
  • Financial Adviser
  • Financial Planner
  • GP
  • Physical Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Public Relations
  • Estate Agent
  • Travel Agent
  • Restauranteur
  • Hotel Manager
  • Events Organiser
You are a great leader. You genuinely enjoy being around other people. Your relationships with others are very important to you. You love talking and meeting new people. You are very enthusiastic about work and about all that you do and have in your life. You love being the focus of attention. You enjoy a fast pace. You are very socially oriented. Therefore, you are much happier being with others than you are alone. You crave interaction with others.

You are very spontaneous and often act before you think. You are always quick to answer when you are asked a question, even if you aren't sure of the answer. It is easier for you to improvise as you go along. You enjoy thinking out loud, and are most creative when brainstorming with friends or colleagues. You enjoy being involved in many activities.

You are very easy to read, and often wear your heart on your sleeve. You are never afraid to tell people what you think. You are very empathetic and genuine. You can sometimes be seen as over-emotional or too involved by others. But that is only because you tend to get so involved in the things you do that they become personal. You want to be adored, loved and appreciated. You like to please others and to make sure people are happy.

You trust your gut instincts. You are easily inspired and trust that inspiration. You are very innovative. You analyse things by looking at the big picture. You are concerned about how what you do affects others. You worry about your actions and the future. You tend to use a lot of metaphors and are very descriptive and colourful in your choice of language.

You are very creative, and get bored easily if you don't get to express yourself. You like to learn new things. You don't like the same old routine. You like to leave your options open.

Lol..where's my current course "Chemical Engineer"??

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

aku dijangkiti demam korea..

Korea...sebuah negara yang berjiran ngan negara Jepun...zaman skang ni memang ramai gile yang jadi die hard fan artis2 dari Korea nih..x kira ar pelakon ke, penyanyi ke, pelawak ke..sume diorang support habis-habisan..

Aku mula minat Korea ni time aku intern tahun 2009..masa tu aku angah tomok dan pendi duduk di rumah Pelangi Semenyih(aku menumpang jer)..disitulah Angah menarik minat aku kat girl group Korea "So Nyuh Shi Dae" @ "Girl's Generation". 9 orang awek dalam satu group mana aku tak sangkut..So since then minat tu berkembang la kat group2 atau artis2 lain..


Credits to subbing team

Pastu aku tertarik lak tengok variety show Korea nih...memang kelakar abis ar...lagi2 kalau ada mamat bernama Yoo Jaesuk jadi host atau MC...sekarang ni hampir 5,6 variety show yang aku dok download episode demi episode membakar masa berharga...variety show yang paling aku layan adalah Family Outing..memang layan abis...korang try ar tengok show tu..gerenti putus usus kecil/besar gelak.

"Family Outing":

Left to Right: Yoon Jong Shin, Park Yejin, Lee Chun Hee, Kim Sooro,Yoo Jae Suk, Lee Hyori, Kang Daesung

Aku tak nafi dulu aku keras kepala tak nak layan Korea ni(sebelum Angah tarik aku)..tapi apa boleh buat..time tu bila sebut Korea je..Rain la..DBSK la...modal sume pakai jantan memang ar ak tak minat...tengok Angah pro pakai satu video "SNSD" je aku dah termakan...hehehe

Apapun download aku sudah siap..time to laugh HARD!!


Member 1: "Sampai bila hang nak tgk Korea ni? Kahwin stop tgk?
Member 2
: "Sampai mati ar."

Member 1: "Esok dah ada anak bini mana ada masa nak download ni sume."
Member 2: "Cari je bini Korea suruh dia download tengok sesama..setel problem"
Member 1
dan 2: Gelak

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Cereka zaman Kanak2

Dulu time aku sekolah rendah aku memang kuat melilau, sampai tiap2 hari cikgu bising aku dok lenyap je. Time kelas je automatic aku cabut keluar pegi lepak belakang bangunan sekolah ke, pondok guard yang time tu tak berpenghuni lagi..and favorite activity aku time REHAT ngan TAMAT sekolah, main KONDA-KONDI. Aku taw budak2 zaman skang ni maybe konda-kondi tu cam nama gula2 diorg ingat..maklumla permainan tu ley kira tradisional gak ar kan..

Konda-Kondi ni adik2 permainan yang pakai KAYU...takde controller atau console...just dua batang kayu...satu panjang satu pendek...kayu pendek tu kene letak melintang atas lubang kat tanah..and then guna kayu panjang kuis kayu pendek so dia melambung on air...

"Fly you Damn Stick!! Fly"

Kalau team lawan dpt sambut kayu tu, semua ahli team orang yg kuis kayu tadi "mati", tapi kalau kayu tu sempat jatuh ke tanah, team lawan akan baling kayu tu balik ke dlm lubang ataupun kena kat kayu panjang. Dalam kes ni, pemain yg melambungkan kayu sahaja yang "mati".

Oppssss jadi explainaition pasai Konda-Kondi lak tetiba nih...back to the story..suatu petang selapas tamat sekolah agama dulu...sementara aku tunggu atuk aku datang amik aku(sekolah aku 20 km from home and xde bas), aku ngan 3,4 member lain pon main ler konda-kondi...punya syok main lama2 org makin kurang sorang demi sorang...last2 tinggal aku sorang je kat belakang bangunan sekolah tu..nak check masa tak tau sebab tak pakai jam..tengok2 bukan belakang sekolah je...satu sekolah tu aku sorang je tinggal...

Mula2 kool je sebab standard ar atuk aku menyinggah kejap mana2 before amik aku kan.(?) tapi sampai dah azan maghrib pun atuk aku tak muncul2 lagi..last2 baru aku perasan, aku main konda-kondi ni kat sekolah kebangsaan yg betul2 located kat sebelah sekolah agama aku...mana atuk aku nak nampak...aku pun start panik..punya pening+takut duk sorang2 dalam gelap, tetiba aku dengar orang jerit nama aku...bila aku cam suara tu milik siapa, daripada takut gelap berubah lak takut orang...bapa aku pulak turun padang cari aku..mau teruk gak aku kene...aku ingat lagi bila bapak aku datang carik aku, dari aku menggeletar takutkan gelap, menjadi menggeletar nak melarikan diri...lupa segala fobia lain..hehehe..ayah2...memang sayang kat aku...

Hehe tu time sekolah rendah aku dulu, zaman tu mana ada game2, cite2 tv best2...astro pon baru belas2 channel je time tu...dak2 skang lain, sekolah rendah dah main game..naik menengah buat kepala kat "pavillion" or any kedai "topshop" kat area Selangor and KL..masuk Uni terus jadi terlampau social and lupa diri..kadang2 terpikir jugak, "modernization memanglah penting tapi kalau tanpa guideline, yang semakin modern technology sedangkan pemakainya semakin menuju kejahilan". renung2kanlah


Final Fantasy Xiii...My current pleasure

First, aku just nak berterima kasih byk2 kepada saudara Abe yang sudi meminjamkan PS3 beliau...tanpa beliau siapalah saya...

Okay, game nih aku mintak tolong Abe(Thanks Be) order untuk aku. Harga dia perghhh rm 170...memang injured wallet aku. 11th of March, skynet delivery dengan professional(?) nya manghantar game ni ke umah aku. Aku takdelah nak pangkah skynet ni, tapi dengar rumours service dia lekeh, depan rumah client hon jer suroh client kuar amik. Takde orang keluar dia letak je notis tu walhal client maybe tgh makan ke...tak dengar ke...maklumlah bukan skynet je yang ada kenderaan bersenjatakan hon...

Cukup2 pasal skynet...back to the game:

Based on a review from

"The most beautiful Final Fantasy game yet is an imperfect but still impressive saga that will touch your heart".
The Good

  • A diverse and mostly excellent cast of characters
  • A great original world, fleshed out by a compelling story
  • Fun combat system keeps you on your toes
  • Magnificent production values.
The Bad
  • Exceedingly linear exploration and character progression
  • Vanille will get on your nerves in a big way.
Honestly if i had put the whole review, you guys would just fall asleep.

Well, imo, final fantasy xiii can be regarded as an improvement to the prior final fantasy xii. The graphics are superb, the gameplay is a lot more fun and challenging, as well as hot as hell main character.

"Congratulations You Are Lightningtorious"

However, on the down side, the storyline is poorly paced and the flashbacks can be quite boring at certain times. The dialogues are somewhat repetitive and tiresome to hear. As for the voice acting i'd have to agree with the review from gamespot, vanille's v.a choice is effin poor. Apparently, cute and british doesnt mesh well.

No Offence.

Final Fantasy XIII is by no means a bad game; it is certainly worth playing for the experience of the potential a next-gen JRPG can have, but it does have a bit of bipolar disorder. Players in it for the story may find the second half a slog and end up with a terribly sub-par experience, while players in it for the battles and customization will have to bear the first half and end up with not much customization to do anyway. Some of the “innovative” design decisions are for the worse, and the on-rails feel may not appeal to some players, especially not with poor plot and execution.

Overall, the game is enjoyable and gameplay wise is by far one of the best final fantasy i've played ever...had the storyline been a bit better and more element of surprise added in it would have been a 10 out of 10 game.

My Rating:

Gameplay 8/10
Storyline 6/10
Characters 7/10
Graphics 10/10
Music 7/10

Overall 7.6/10

P.S "Tak sabar nak tengok God of War 3 in action"

TEST 1..2...3

Hey everyone...first post huh...tried blogging before tapi tak pernah nak tahan..hehe...

But why suddenly blog again u ask?
Aaaaa nak jawab soklan tu ak kene explain sket...dalam hidup ak yang kini penuh ngan assignment ni konon...ak memang bosan siang malam pagi petang...lagi2 bila xde update kat internet yg kian sunyi sepi. Maka teringat ler aku yang member2 ak ada la 2,3 orang yang kuat blogging. Aku pun apa lagi...toyol la. Sejak dari bangku sekolah lagi aku memang pro bab2 meniru, ikut jejak langkah orang lain, plagiarism dan istilah2 yang sewaktu dengannya. Sampai jadi kes gaduh sebab ikut/tiru action orang lain.

Even edward cullen hates it

To the point of making a shirt

Bukan aku nak sangat ikut orang lain nyer activity nih, tapi kalau aku ada activity sendiri taklah ak complain bosan 24/7 per day.

Anyway, harap2 ada la insan yang sudi belek2 tenung2 blog aku ni...bukan ada motif pon blog aku ni..just for fun jek.

R&C yeah...
